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000195_news@columbia.edu_Sun Nov 20 04:58:34 1994.msg
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From: jrd@cc.usu.edu (Joe Doupnik)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc,alt.winsock
Subject: Re: winsock/pkt dvr hack possible?
Message-Id: <1994Nov20.105834.33349@cc.usu.edu>
Date: 20 Nov 94 10:58:34 MDT
References: <3a67j8$j39@Mercury.mcs.com> <Pine.SUN.3.91.941118031532.9000A-100000@soleil> <3aiudg$pil@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu> <3anvci$dut@relay.tor.hookup.net>
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In article <3anvci$dut@relay.tor.hookup.net>, bangus@hookup.net (Brian F. Angus) writes:
> In article <3aiudg$pil@apakabar.cc.columbia.edu>, jaltman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu
> says...
>>A packet driver on top of winsock makes no sense since winsock is not
>>protocol independent. The best you could possibly hope for would be a
>>Telnet redirector for Windows DOS Sessions which communicates through
> Actually, it could probably be done by filtering out the non TCP/IP
> functionality, but it would be a very complicated bit of engineering.
> You would likely have to write some nasty DOS interrupt redirection
> code which would allow the DOS program to communicate directly to a native Windows
> WINSOCK application via the packet driver interrupt. The WINSOCK application
> would act as a type of pass-through tunnel for the DOS application. This may
> require the use of a custom VXD, I'm not sure. I briefly looked into this but I
> have decided that my skill sets are not quite at a level required for this task.
Jeff is correct. The top of a sockets API is a TCP stream channel of
bytes, not packets. "It could be done..." means creating a second TCP/IP
stack feeding from the streams channel and packaging it into TCP/IP over
Ethernet frames to be passed to the application. Not very desirable, nor
Joe D.